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SCI/EI/CPCIS Paper List of 2010

1. Bei, L.B., Ping, W., Li, C. and Yong, Z., EFFECTS OF AGING AND FLOODING ON SORPTION OF PAHS IN MANGROVE SEDIMENT. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011. 20(3): 623-630. (IF=0.716)
2. Chen, B.Z. and Liu, H.B., Comment: Unimodal relationship between phytoplankton-mass-specific growth rate and size: A reply to the comment by Sal and Lopez-Urrutia (2011). Limnology and Oceanography, 2011. 56(5): 1956-1958. (IF=3.385)
3. Chen, B.Z. and Liu, H.B., Temporal stability of marine phytoplankton in a subtropical coastal environment. Aquatic Ecology, 2011. 45(3): 427-438. (IF=1.429)
4. Chen, G.C., Tam, N.F.Y., Wong, Y.S. and Ye, Y., Effect of wastewater discharge on greenhouse gas fluxes from mangrove soils. Atmospheric Environment, 2011. 45(5): 1110-1115. (IF=3.226)
5 . Chen, G.C. and Ye, Y., Restoration of Aegiceras corniculatum mangroves in Jiulongjiang Estuary changed macro-benthic faunal community. Ecological Engineering, 2011. 37(2): 224-228. (IF=2.203)
