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On-site detection of nitrate plus nitrite in natural water samples using smartphone-based detection

Fang T., Li H., Bo G., Lin K., Yuan D., Ma J. (2021). On-site detection of nitrate plus nitrite in natural water samples using smartphone-based detection. Microchemical Journal 165: 106117.

Zheng S., Li H., Fang T., Bo G., Yuan D., Ma J. (2022). Towards citizen science. On-site detection of nitrite and ammonium using a smartphone and social media software.Science of The Total Environment 815: 152613.

Li H., Fang T., Tan Q-G., Ma J. (2022). Development of a versatile smartphone-based environmental analyzer (vSEA) and its application for on-site nutrient detection. Science of The Total Environment 838: 156197.
